How to start a new project when all your developers are busy

Time is of the essence

You would like to launch a new feature or a new product in your organization. You're done with the ideation, you made some mockups and it's time to start building it. The only issue is that there is no one to work it on since all engineers are already allocated for their current projects. New full-time hires and interviews take time. New opportunities are passing by or even worse, implemented by your competitors.

This blog post has several ways to start on a new project despite the limiting factors allowing you to achieve the next step in your business and in your professional career.

How to bring new engineering resources quickly

There are several ways to add new resources to your team. Each way is different and has to be done right. Here they are:

Build vs Buy

If there is already a reliable solution for your current problem out there, it's a great option to consider. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. While developing a custom solution will fit your exact needs, software development is an involved and complicated process. What seems super simple on the outside is usually just the tip of the iceberg. There are more things to think about like solution reliability, cost, integration timeline, etc. Researching existing services or products that do parts or the whole solution is worthwhile doing before making a Build vs Buy decision.


Because growing your business is hard work, it's important to choose your battles. Focusing on your core competencies and outsourcing everything else will help to accelerate your business growth. For example, if your core business is centered around Data Analysis, you may want to hire a reputable firm to create a beautiful Front End plugged into your Data Analysis API. This option allows you to avoid wasting precious time on building a new Front End practice in-house and to double down on what you do best. While completely outsourcing the non-core parts of your product saves you time, you want to make sure you still own what you outsourced. Make sure you have some technical documentation of the solution as well as the source code and the instructions on how to get it up and running (which is a standard procedure at Right Balance).

Staff Augmentation

If you would like to have more horsepower to start a new project immediately, and it's within the area of your core competency, then staff augmentation is your best option. The new team members plug into your existing team and work together in lockstep allowing for some rapid innovation and quick feature iteration. Staff Augmentation allows you to keep the momentum going every day, solve blockers promptly, and deliver things on time. It also allows you to learn from external team members about the new ways of building the best product. New team members can bring a fresh perspective to the company.


Even though there is a set number of engineers available at your company, there are proven ways to start a new project at any time. Here at Right Balance, we love working with entrepreneurial people sharing the passion for building the best product helping millions of people.

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